Give us a call: 01622 804494

Providing support services for Property Investors

Helpful Property Group provide a full range of services including:

- Project Management & Construction Consultancy
- Training, Mentoring & Speaking in Property alterations and development
- Joint Venture Investment Opportunities
- Property Sourcing & Management

Latest News

  • “We have been working closely with Martin for several years now and his contribution to us has made a real difference. We consider him an important part of team JVIP and have no hesitation in recommending him “

    Dick Dabner

  • "It has been my great pleasure to know and work with Martin, Sarah and Paul. 3 genuine and successful people." "Martin has also helped me recently with a project in London zone 2 where spaces are the main challenges. We completed that project and have monthly net income that is 22% higher than estimate" "Well done, dream team!"

    Tim Huang

  • Working with Martin and Sarah has been an excellent and rewarding experience

    Graham Hughes,Tonbridge

  • Thank you for all your help - it has been invaluable being able to seek your advice as we have gone along. Nearly there now...

    Rachael Plowman, Tonbridge